Information and Discovery

  1. 2. this kind of research requires you to observe, interview, survey, and question any eyewitness or qualified people.
  2. 3. these type of sources are original documents or materials, firsthand accounts of events, or field research like interviews or observation.
  3. 5. when looking up your research, you should analyze your rhetorical ______.
  4. 6. it is important to ______ your internet sources to determine how credible they are.
  5. 9. a research ______ is a question that guides research.
  6. 11. these types of sources are texts that analyze and interpret primary sources.
  7. 14. ______ searches allow you to use words and phrases you're identified to locate sources.
  1. 1. this place provides websites, tours, works, catalog, indexes, database, and many more resources to help with your research.
  2. 4. the ways a writer conducts research for writing, like in the library, or internet, or polls is known as ______.
  3. 7. the process of gathering information from reliable sources to help in making decision, supporting arguments, solving problems, becoming more informed is known as ______.
  4. 8. to keep the audience ______, a writer needs to explain what their responding to.
  5. 10. the chapter suggest that we summarize the "______ ___" as soon as you can in the text.
  6. 12. it is more difficult to research a general topic then a ______ topic.
  7. 13. to give writing a ______, a writer needs to clearly indicate his or her thesis and what larger conversation the thesis is responding to.