Information Retrieval System

  1. 2. ______ refers to search that accounts for how close within a record multiple items should be to each other.
  2. 4. Set of all distinct index terms in the collection.
  3. 5. Eliminating ______ decreases the space size requirement of indices by about 50%.
  4. 8. IDF stands for _____ document frequency.
  5. 10. ______ function assigns scores to documents with regard to a given query.
  6. 11. BM25 stands for best _____ 25.
  7. 12. User must first translate the information need into a _____ which can be processed by the search engine.
  1. 1. Reduction of distinct words to their common grammatical root
  2. 2. _____ is a set of syntactic features that must be found in a text segment.
  3. 3. A famous query protocol in 1990's
  4. 6. Both retrieval and browsing are _____ actions.
  5. 7. In set based model ______ is used in stead of index terms.
  6. 9. Boolean model is based on ____ theory.