Information Technology

  1. 3. The name of the arrow that tracks across the screen as you move the mouse around.
  2. 5. Cut, copy, ______
  3. 6. Internet explorer and Google Chrome are examples of a ________.
  4. 8. A group of programs that manage all activities on the computer, for example Microsoft Windows.
  5. 12. Place where deleted files and folders are stored.
  6. 13. Instructions that tell the computer what to do.
  7. 14. A popular social networking website created by Mark Zuckerberg
  8. 16. =SUM(A2+B6)
  9. 18. ROM and RAM are examples of _______.
  1. 1. Allows users to press parts of a screen to activate different functions.
  2. 2. A file or program that can be uploaded to your computer from the Internet or a disk. This file or program is uploaded without your knowledge and is intended to do damage to your computer.
  3. 4. You print a letter from your computer. The output is called _____.
  4. 7. When you send a letter to someone using the internet.
  5. 9. A __________ will examine your document and identify spelling mistakes.
  6. 10. To quit all applications and turn off the computer.
  7. 11. Software best suited for typing a letter.
  8. 15. Give a file a name and/or store the file in a certain place.
  9. 17. A device that enables a computer to send data to, and receive data from another computer.