Informational Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. ____________-Contrast (A text structure)
  2. 5. Informational writing is often organized into _____________.
  3. 6. Could be to amuse, persuade, or inform the reader
  4. 9. information that proves or explains the main idea
  5. 12. the subject matter
  6. 13. Ethos, pathos, and logos
  7. 14. What the passage is about
  1. 1. To put information in your own words
  2. 2. ending of an essay; it often restates the main idea
  3. 3. Problem- _________________ (A text structure)
  4. 4. Words used to create the tone of a piece of writing
  5. 7. factual information that helps the reader reach a conclusion
  6. 8. the opening part of an essay that introduces the topic and the author's stance
  7. 10. The way the author organizes information
  8. 11. Using clues provided by the author to figure things out