ING2 Money

  1. 4. bénéfice brut
  2. 7. refuser un chèque sans provisions
  3. 8. In Britain, it is impolite to ask someone how much they ______.
  4. 9. money that you pay regularly as the costs of operating a business or organization
  5. 12. an amount of money that you pay into a bank account
  6. 13. French word for "accountant"
  7. 15. débiteur
  8. 16. remboursement
  9. 17. Have you got any change? The vending machine only takes 1 euro ________.
  10. 19. le solde
  1. 1. contrôleur de gestion
  2. 2. I'd like to buy a new car, but I can't _______ to right now.
  3. 3. prélèvement automatique
  4. 5. someone whose job is to buy and sell shares in companies for other people
  5. 6. a legal agreement in which you borrow money from a bank in order to buy a house
  6. 10. I couldn't get any cash as the ______ was out of order and the bank was closed.
  7. 11. relevé de compte
  8. 14. an agreement with your bank which allows you to spend money when you have no money left in your account
  9. 15. French word for "currency"
  10. 18. Could you _______ me some cash to buy a sandwich? I'll pay you back tomorrow.