Inner planets

  1. 6. Planets close to the sun
  2. 8. Separates Inner and outer planets
  3. 9. Scientific term for air
  4. 13. clockwise spin (the opposite direction of Earth)
  5. 14. Distance between earth and the sun
  6. 15. A celestial object that has a atmosphere and a moon
  1. 1. What made Venus have a thin atmosphere
  2. 2. Earths sister planet
  3. 3. Some have little some have none
  4. 4. Hottest planet
  5. 5. How long it takes for one cycle around the sun
  6. 7. Type of planet the inner planets are
  7. 10. Term for going around something
  8. 11. Our planet
  9. 12. Called the red planet