
  1. 2. Small arachnids that attach to animals and people to feed on their blood. They can transmit diseases.
  2. 4. Tiny, jumping insects that can be found on pets and can cause itching and discomfort. They're tough to catch!
  3. 6. Arachnids with eight legs that build webs to catch prey. While not insects, they're often associated with them.
  4. 7. Tiny insects that live in colonies and work together as a team. They're known for their strong work ethic and building intricate tunnels.
  5. 9. Insects that produce light, known as bioluminescence, to attract mates. They create magical nighttime displays.
  6. 12. Fuzzy insects that collect nectar from flowers to make honey. They're important pollinators for many plants.
  7. 13. A colorful insect with delicate wings that often have beautiful patterns. They flutter from flower to flower, sipping nectar with their long proboscis.
  8. 15. A jumping insect with strong back legs. They make chirping sounds and often blend into grass and plants.
  1. 1. Small flying insects known for their annoying bites. Only female mosquitoes bite; they need blood to lay eggs.
  2. 3. The larval stage of a butterfly or moth, often with a long, soft body and a voracious appetite for leaves.
  3. 5. A large insect with long, transparent wings and a slim body. They zip around near water, hunting other insects in mid-air.
  4. 8. Insects with hard, protective shells and usually six legs. There are thousands of beetle species with various shapes and sizes.
  5. 10. A small, round insect with bright red or orange wings and black spots. They're helpful garden visitors because they eat pests.
  6. 11. A fascinating insect that looks like it's praying with its folded front legs. They're skilled hunters and eat other insects.
  7. 14. Long, segmented insects with many legs. Despite their name, they don't have 100 legs but can have quite a few.