
  1. 2. Small flying insects that bite and suck blood.
  2. 6. Larval stage of butterflies and moths, often fuzzy.
  3. 7. Mantis Insects with long bodies and folded front legs for hunting.
  4. 9. Colorful insects with wings that undergo metamorphosis.
  5. 12. Flying insects with stingers that can deliver painful bites.
  6. 14. Flying insects with transparent wings and long bodies.
  7. 15. Hard-shelled insects with wings, often found on plants.
  1. 1. Insects known for their distinctive chirping sounds.
  2. 3. Beetles that produce light, especially at night.
  3. 4. Jumping insects with long hind legs and strong wings.
  4. 5. Eight-legged creatures that spin webs to catch prey.
  5. 8. Flying insects that collect nectar to make honey.
  6. 10. Small, round beetles with bright colors and spots.
  7. 11. Night-flying insects with feathery antennae.
  8. 13. Small insects that live in colonies and work together.