
  1. 2. Long, slender insect with front legs used for catching prey
  2. 4. Small flying insect that bites and drinks blood
  3. 6. Hard-shelled insect with wings underneath
  4. 8. Small jumping insect known for its chirping sound
  5. 12. Colorful insect with delicate wings
  6. 14. Leaping insect with long hind legs
  7. 15. Leaping insect with long hind legs
  1. 1. Larval stage of a butterfly or moth
  2. 3. Insect that emits light from its body at night
  3. 5. Eight-legged arachnid that spins webs
  4. 7. Small, round beetle with red and black spots
  5. 9. Small, hardworking insect that lives in colonies
  6. 10. Long-bodied insect with large, transparent wings
  7. 11. Nocturnal insect with feathery antennae and wings
  8. 13. Flying insect known for making honey