
  1. 5. They are nocturnal insects that are closely related to butterflies. They have furry bodies and feathery antennae.
  2. 9. They are fascinating insects with long, slender bodies and elongated front legs used for catching prey. They are known for their distinctive praying posture.
  3. 10. They are flying insects with slender bodies and stingers. They are known for their aggressive nature and can deliver painful stings when threatened.
  4. 12. They are flying insects that play a crucial role in pollination. They collect nectar from flowers and make honey in their hives.
  5. 13. They are beautiful insects with colorful wings. They flutter from flower to flower, drinking nectar with their long proboscis.
  6. 14. They are insects with hard exoskeletons and wing covers. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. They can be found in forests, gardens, and even underground.
  7. 15. They are arachnids and not technically insects, but they are often associated with insects. They have eight legs and produce silk to create intricate webs for catching prey.
  1. 1. They are elongated arthropods with many legs. They are fast-moving and have a pair of venomous claws that they use to catch and subdue their prey.
  2. 2. They are jumping insects with strong hind legs. They are known for their ability to leap long distances. They make a chirping sound by rubbing their wings together.
  3. 3. They are small flying insects that feed on blood. They have a long, thin proboscis that they use to bite and extract blood from their hosts.
  4. 4. They are insects that produce light through bioluminescence. They have specialized cells in their abdomen that create a glowing effect.
  5. 6. They are social insects that live in colonies. They work together in a highly organized manner and communicate using pheromones.
  6. 7. They are small, round beetles with bright red or orange bodies and black spots. They are considered lucky and bring good fortune.
  7. 8. They are insects with long, slender bodies and large, transparent wings. They can fly very fast and are known for their agile maneuvers in the air.
  8. 11. They are insects known for their chirping sound. Male crickets produce the sound by rubbing their wings together to attract females.