
  1. 2. A jumping insect with long hind legs and the ability to produce chirping sounds by rubbing its wings together.
  2. 3. Types Description
  3. 7. A hard-shelled insect with wings, often found crawling on the ground or flying around.
  4. 9. A small flying insect known for its annoying bites and ability to transmit diseases.
  5. 10. A common flying insect with a single pair of wings and large compound eyes.
  6. 11. A colorful insect with large wings that flies during the day and often lands on flowers.
  7. 13. A flying insect with a long and slender body and large multifaceted eyes.
  8. 14. A small round beetle with bright red or orange color and black spots on its wings.
  1. 1. An insect known for its chirping sounds produced by rubbing its wings together.
  2. 4. Not an insect, but an arachnid with eight legs and the ability to spin webs to catch prey.
  3. 5. The larval stage of butterflies and moths, with a long body and many legs.
  4. 6. A small social insect that lives in colonies and is known for its strong sense of organization and teamwork.
  5. 8. A small flying insect known for its annoying bites and ability to transmit diseases.
  6. 11. A flying insect known for its role in pollination and producing honey.
  7. 12. A beetle that emits flashes of light at night, commonly found in warm summer evenings.
  8. 15. The larval stage of certain beetles and insects, typically found in soil or decaying organic matter.