
  1. 2. Flying insect with a slender body and a sting
  2. 3. Nocturnal insect with feathery antennae and often attracted to light
  3. 4. Mantis Insect with long, slender body and front legs used for catching prey
  4. 6. Colorful insect with delicate wings that undergoes metamorphosis
  5. 9. Tiny insect that lives in colonies and can lift heavy objects
  6. 11. Hard-shelled insect with a pair of antennae and wings
  7. 12. Tiny, wingless insect known for jumping and infesting pets
  8. 14. Insect with large, transparent wings and a long, slender body
  9. 17. Eight-legged arachnid that spins webs to catch prey
  10. 18. Small insects that infest human or animal hair and feed on blood
  11. 19. Arachnid-like insect that attaches to the skin of animals and humans
  1. 1. Leaping insect known for its long hind legs and chirping sound
  2. 5. Larval stage of a butterfly or moth, often with a segmented body
  3. 7. Winged insect that produces light to attract mates
  4. 8. Small, round beetle with black spots on red or orange wings
  5. 10. Flying insect known for making honey and pollinating flowers
  6. 11. Insect with a hard exoskeleton and often brightly colored patterns
  7. 13. Many-legged arthropod known for its fast movement
  8. 15. Small flying insect known for its irritating bites
  9. 16. Insect known for its chirping sound produced by rubbing its wings