
  1. 3. A flying insect known for its role in pollination and production of honey.
  2. 4. An insect with colorful wings that undergoes metamorphosis from a caterpillar.
  3. 5. An insect known for its ability to jump and produce a characteristic sound by rubbing its wings together.
  4. 7. A small flying insect known for its female's bite, which can transmit diseases such as malaria.
  5. 9. A small, round beetle with bright colors and spots, often considered a symbol of good luck.
  6. 10. A small insect known for its chirping sound produced by rubbing its wings together.
  1. 1. An insect known for its ability to produce light, often seen as a blinking or glowing pattern at night.
  2. 2. The larval stage of a butterfly or moth, characterized by a long, worm-like body.
  3. 3. An insect with a hard exoskeleton and forewings modified into hard covers, often known for its distinctive shape.
  4. 6. A small social insect that lives in colonies and is known for its strong teamwork and organized behavior.
  5. 8. An arachnid with eight legs, known for its ability to spin webs and capture prey.