Inspired by the exhibit, Memories and Inspiration: The Kerry and C. Betty Davis Collection of African American Art

  1. 3. A design or picture transferred from an engraved plate, wood block, lithographic stone, or other medium; or a photographic image transferred to paper or a similar surface, usually from a negative.
  2. 4. What the eye sees when light is reflected to it.
  3. 6. The materials used to create a work of art.
  4. 7. Shape with three dimensions—height, width, and depth.
  5. 8. The artist tries to depict objects as they are seen.
  6. 9. This style of art does not show objects realistically.
  7. 13. A sense of stability, sometimes symmetry, established by the way forms, lines and colors are placed within a painting.
  8. 14. An assemblage of items like newspaper clippings, magazine images, photographs, fabric, etc.
  1. 1. Depicts a scene from nature in which the place or land itself becomes the main subject.
  2. 2. A collage that use photographs.
  3. 3. A likeness made of a person created by an artist, such as a painter or photographer.
  4. 5. From the Latin word docere, meaning to teach.
  5. 10. Actual (open air around sculpture or architecture) or implied (represented by control of size, color, overlapping).
  6. 11. The way shapes, color, line, space, mass and objects are arranged and organized in a work of art.
  7. 12. The path of a moving point. It can be vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curved, angular, zigzag, bent, straight, interrupted, thick, or thin.