Instructional Units of Study

  1. 4. Choosing a set of academic ............words to teach supports students' mastery of academic content.
  2. 5. Guiding ......... facilitate student thinking toward the generalizations
  3. 8. Students' learning..............need to be meaningful and authentic
  4. 11. In a unit, ............ are the significant, conceptual ideas that students must understand at a deeper level after study.
  5. 13. The unit ........... evaluates students’ understanding of generalization, important content and skills
  6. 15. ............organizers help students get their ideas visually clear.
  1. 1. ..............of words in a student's first language has to be used when learning a second language.
  2. 2. Core learning ........ such as think-pair-share add depth to learning.
  3. 3. An instructional ...........consists of questions, corresponding text, vocabulary sets, core learning tasks and mastery tools organized around one central idea or concept
  4. 6. Making learning created by teacher student and peer interactions, where content becomes more meaningful
  5. 7. The ........of learning in an instructional unit is achieved by having a concept of theme at the center of the design
  6. 9. Focusing on the learning .........moves away from memorization to understanding ideas
  7. 10. The ......... content is the factual knowledge required for grounding generalizations and deep knowledge of the content
  8. 12. The ......... skills are drawn from academic standards or national curricula
  9. 14. The instructional unit............are major headings, which break the unit into manageable, instructional parts.