End of the Golden Age

  1. 2. a motion picture is projected on a screen, almost 2.5 times wider than a traditional theatre screen
  2. 5. Collection of federal laws regulating businesses to promote competition and prevent monopolies
  3. 7. a system of making color motion pictures
  4. 10. This type of producer could finally compete after the US vs Paramount case closed
  5. 12. Life Magazine called the 1950s "The ?? Decade" for Hollywood
  6. 13. Created when a single company is supplying a good or service, a lack of competition
  7. 14. The era that came to an end by 1960
  1. 1. forced to purchase packages of movies without knowing what they were
  2. 3. court case closed in 1948, United States vs. ??
  3. 4. multiple sources of sound
  4. 6. Was invented in 1927, creating competition with movie theatres
  5. 8. The Era following the Paramount Case and invention of Television
  6. 9. forced to buy packages of movies containing mediocre films in order to get the hit films
  7. 11. number of major Hollywood corporations that were found to have violated antitrust laws