Insurance terms

  1. 3. Event or condition not covered by an insurance policy
  2. 5. Document outlining the terms of an insurance contract
  3. 6. The amount of money an insured person is responsible for paying before insurance coverage kicks in
  4. 9. The act of restoring the insured to the same financial position before a loss
  5. 12. Financial protection against specified risks
  6. 14. A type of insurance that covers damage to property
  7. 15. The person or entity that offers insurance policies
  8. 16. Event for which an insurance policy provides coverage
  1. 1. The probability of loss or the likelihood of an event occurring
  2. 2. The process of assessing risk and determining insurance premiums
  3. 4. The person or entity that assesses insurance claims
  4. 7. The termination of an insurance policy before its expiration date
  5. 8. The maximum amount an insurance company will pay for a covered loss
  6. 10. Person or entity that purchases an insurance policy
  7. 11. Insurance coverage that protects against claims of negligence or harm
  8. 13. Insurance that covers damage to vehicles in an accident