Insurance Terms Puzzle

  1. 2. a required type of car insurance that covers non-preventable damages
  2. 5. a type of car insurance that covers damages to your car
  3. 8. Amount paid out-of-pocket before insurance is paid
  4. 9. a percentage of the health care service you pay after the deductible is met
  1. 1. Amount charged for an insurance policy
  2. 3. a service that provides people who have low-income or certain health conditions with health coverage
  3. 4. a flat fee
  4. 6. a type of car insurance that covers bodily injuries and damages to other people's property
  5. 7. a type of insurance that covers the money you would have made working while unable to (hint: acronym)
  6. 8. a type of homeowner's coverage bundle that protects homes from theft and natural disasters (except floods and earthquakes)