INT Flossing

  1. 4. the fleshy place above the bone
  2. 5. sticky stuff on the teeth
  3. 7. the cause of cavities: tooth ___
  4. 9. Food gets stuck __ the teeth.
  5. 11. clean and new
  6. 12. a hole in a tooth
  7. 13. breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  8. 14. the air that comes out of your mouth
  1. 1. adverb from regular
  2. 2. clean teeth with thread
  3. 3. personal cleanliness
  4. 6. a microorganism
  5. 7. heart ___
  6. 8. costly
  7. 10. related to the mouth. __ hygiene
  8. 13. where your teeth and gums are