Integumentary Medical Terminology

  1. 1. reacts to things that touch the body
  2. 3. grows out of scalp.
  3. 6. hot
  4. 10. chilly
  5. 11. happens when you get flustered
  6. 14. color of the sky
  7. 15. things that are on fish
  8. 16. bottom
  9. 17. grease
  1. 2. cells that sythesize substances
  2. 3. yellow or green sticky stuff
  3. 4. big storage that keeps you warm
  4. 5. on your fingertips
  5. 7. black lives matter
  6. 8. dying
  7. 9. vein
  8. 10. layer that protects body
  9. 12. on top of
  10. 13. pertaining to