Unit 4 - Integumentary System

  1. 3. Condition that causes a rash after excess sweat, or diabetes
  2. 6. The #1 function of the Integumentary System
  3. 8. Blue skin - Heart failure, poor circulation
  4. 9. 3rd layer fat storage & insulation
  5. 10. Determines the color of our skin
  6. 12. Sweating with exercise
  7. 14. 1st layer acts as protection
  8. 15. 2nd layer contains blood vessels & hair follicles
  9. 16. Yellow skin - Indicates liver disorder
  10. 17. Found in your palms, soles of your feet
  1. 1. Sweating without exercise
  2. 2. Works with the Integumentary to defend the body from pathogens
  3. 4. Lubricates skin & hair, responsible for acne
  4. 5. Essential for healthy bones & immunity
  5. 7. Red skin - Indicates fever, inflammation, or allergy
  6. 11. Abundant around puberty, responsible for body odor
  7. 13. Condition that causes dry & itchy skin