Integumentary System Medical Terminology

  1. 4. pertaining to dry skin
  2. 9. abnormal itching condition
  3. 10. inflammation of the eyelid
  4. 11. black cell
  5. 13. tumor or mass of blood
  6. 14. the study of disease
  7. 17. abnormal condition of blood in the tissues
  8. 20. pertaining to death
  9. 23. blood cell
  10. 25. fat cell
  11. 26. pertaining to the skin
  12. 27. specialist in study of the skin
  13. 28. cancerous tumor
  14. 29. nipple-like tumor
  1. 1. inflammation of the skin
  2. 2. inflammation of the skin
  3. 3. removal of the tonsils
  4. 5. top layer of skin
  5. 6. pertaining to profuse sweating
  6. 7. black tumor
  7. 8. cancerous tumor
  8. 12. abnormal condition of being bluish in color
  9. 13. above normal body temperature condition
  10. 15. below normal body temperature condition
  11. 16. disease of the hair
  12. 18. below the skin
  13. 19. above normal development
  14. 21. study of the skin
  15. 22. surgical removal of fat
  16. 24. abnormal hardening of body tissue