Intellectual Development Ages 7-12

  1. 4. while playing chess, the child has difficulty ______ at ages 7-12
  2. 6. children are in the _______ operational stage of Piaget's theory
  3. 9. school-age children understand that ________ have their own ideas
  4. 10. students would know that five is _______ than two
  5. 12. organizing objects into a class and its complement
  6. 13. noticeable observations and traits such as color, shape, and size
  7. 14. reasoning from the general to the specific
  1. 1. knowledge that one learns without being shown or told is ______ specific
  2. 2. students can focus on the _______ rather than small details
  3. 3. during the school age years children learn how to use this type of aid
  4. 5. the ability to follow a line of reasoning back to where it started
  5. 6. type of logical thinking that says one event affects another
  6. 7. cortex that is wired during this time and thinks logically
  7. 8. school age children understand the concept of ______, or sentence structure
  8. 11. explicit and implicit memories are this type of memory