  1. 2. the body organ responsible for your intelligence
  2. 3. the university that helps administer IQ tests
  3. 7. the most important factor in how intelligent you are (50%)
  4. 9. intelligence related to sports & athleticism
  5. 10. IQ stands for Intelligence _____
  6. 11. harvard psychologist who theorized multiple intelligences
  7. 13. the name of this course
  8. 15. intelligence related to reading, writing & giving speeches
  1. 1. IQ tests frequently discriminate against _____
  2. 4. the average IQ score
  3. 5. the measurement of how smart someone is
  4. 6. people with high musical & artistic IQs use this side of their brain more
  5. 8. psychologists believe people have _____ total intelligences
  6. 12. intelligence related to math
  7. 14. french psychologist who created IQ test