
  1. 4. ______________ intelligence is the capacity to carry a tune, remember musical melodies, have a good sense of rhythm, enjoy and appreciate music.
  2. 5. refers to genetic factor that influence the development of intelligence.
  3. 6. ________________intelligence scale (WAIS) is an intelligent test for adult.
  4. 8. _______________ ____________ intelligence is the ability to work well with numbers and/or to be good at logic or reasoning.
  5. 10. ______________ intelligence of the body or body parts, fine-motor coordination.
  6. 12. ______________ intelligence is self-understanding or self-knowledge, knowing who you are, knowing own strength and weaknesses.
  7. 14. ________________ intelligence test determine a person's intellectual ability; intelligence quotient or IQ.
  8. 15. ____________ thinking is the ability to arrive at many possible solutions to a problem, such as aptitude or achievement tests.
  9. 16. ____________ test measure the capacity to learn, and predict what an individual can accomplish with training.
  10. 19. An IQ above 130.
  11. 20. ____________ thinking is the ability to solve problem with a well defined correct answer/solution, like IQ test or WAIS.
  12. 22. An IQ between 90-100.
  13. 24. ____________ intelligence is the ability to use words effectively; effective use of spelling, vocabulary, and grammar.
  14. 25. ___________ intelligence refers to each individual is characterised by a unique combination of relatively stronger and weaker intelligences which helps account for individual differences.
  15. 26. 2 main factors that influence the development of intelligence of an individual. (use "-&-" between words if necessary)
  1. 1. ___________ intelligence refers to the ability to handle symbols and ideas such as words, numbers, formula and scientific principles.
  2. 2. is defined as the ability to learn, reason, grasp concept and deal with abstractions.
  3. 3. _______________ intelligence is more in tune to nature, environment, plants and animals.
  4. 7. ____________ intelligence is the ability to visualize pictures or objects in one's mind, to abstractly create in 2-3 dimensional form.
  5. 9. ______________ intelligence is the ability to understand and work with people.
  6. 11. ___________ suggested that intelligence is classified into 3 kinds, mechanical, social and abstract.
  7. 13. An IQ below 70.
  8. 17. _____________intelligence refers to the skill in manipulating tools and managing the working of machines.
  9. 18. __________ intelligence refers to understanding of people and the ability to interact appropriately in human relationships.
  10. 21. refers to the environmental factors that affects the intelligence of an individual such as attachment, early stimulation, family and peers, experiences and political-socioeconomical status.
  11. 23. _____________ test measure accomplished skills, and indicate what an individual can do at present.