
  1. 3. Knowledge and skills gained through experience and education that increase over life.
  2. 6. Aspects of innate intelligence, including reasoning abilities, memory, and speed of information processing, that are relatively independent of education and tend to decline as people age.
  3. 7. Come up with unusual, unexpected ideas; use something in a way different from the way in which it is normally used.
  4. 8. Intelligent people are likely to show less not more ____?
  5. 9. One-to-one IQ test
  6. 10. Who found out that children with an IQ of 150 were psychologically well adjusted and physically healthy?
  7. 11. Intelligence and _____ ______ are related.
  8. 13. IQ test administered to many people at a given time.
  9. 14. What is Howard Gardner's theory?
  10. 17. What is the complex and controversial topic?
  11. 19. IQ 19 or below: _____ mental retardation
  12. 20. Below average intellectual functioning where an individual is unable to handle tasks at the level appropriate for his or her age.
  13. 21. The mental processes that results in original, workable ideas.
  14. 22. A tendency to solve problems in the same way over and over.
  15. 24. When faced with a problem, the person can make the adjustments needed to solve it.
  16. 26. IQ 20-25: _____ mental retardation
  17. 27. 3 seperate and different aspects of intelligence.
  18. 29. Unfair measurement of cultural groups' abilities.
  19. 30. What pyschologist handled derelicts who were brought from skid row by the police?
  20. 31. Condition in which people with below normal mental capacity, possesses a special talent or mental ability to an extremely high degree.
  1. 1. Binet's goal in developing an intelligence test was to find those children who need ____ help.
  2. 2. An intelligence test for adults.
  3. 4. Who proposed the theory of general intelligence?
  4. 5. Level of intellectual functioning in years, compared with chronological age.
  5. 12. Ability to set up a goal and work towards it.
  6. 15. IQ 52-69: _____ mental retardation
  7. 16. performance and scale includes _____ tasks.
  8. 18. High intelligence was linked to _____ in the early 1920's.
  9. 23. IQ 36-51: _____ mental retardation
  10. 25. IQ 70-79: low average; _____ mental retardation.
  11. 28. The practice of keeping children with disabilities in regular academic classrooms.