Inter War Years Vocabulary

  1. 3. Economy in the gov’t controls all economic decision
  2. 4. Adolf Hitler's name for his regime meaning the “third empire”
  3. 8. Treaty between Germany and the allied powers at the end of world war 1
  4. 9. Extremely nationalistic,anti-Semitic,and anti communist party that rose to power in Germany 1920’s.
  5. 12. President Woodrow Wilson's plan for a just world based on the allies’ aims to end world war 1
  6. 13. Agreement signed by leaders of warring nations to stop fighting
  7. 14. Governmental doctrine the relies on dictatorial rule and a totalitarian regime, in which the state maintained rigid control of the people through force and censorship
  1. 1. Systematic extermination of a people
  2. 2. Land pooled into large farms which people work together as a group.
  3. 5. Political bureau of the communist party that held most of the power in the soviet union
  4. 6. Nation which the major economic activities are organized into syndicates that resemble corporations.
  5. 7. World organizations formed after world war 1 to maintain peace
  6. 10. A large scale elimination of people from an organization or area
  7. 11. Payment for war damages