Interactions Among Living Things

  1. 4. Changing color to _______ in with envir. is a defense strategy
  2. 5. Cactus and ________ are an example of mutualism
  3. 7. Example of a defense strategy
  4. 8. Natural ________ makes an individual better suited to its environment
  5. 10. A relationship in which one organism is helped and the other neither helped or harmed
  6. 11. The organism that does the killing
  7. 12. Protective ____________ is a defense strategy
  8. 14. One organism living on or inside another
  9. 16. The role of an organism in its habitat
  10. 17. One defense strategy is to have a hard covering that is hard to ________ through
  11. 19. The organism a parasite lives on
  12. 20. Organisms must _____________ to stay alive
  13. 21. Ticks and _________ are an example of parasitism
  1. 1. A relationship where both organisms benefit
  2. 2. How an organism obtains its _______ is an example of their niche
  3. 3. Behaviors that allow organisms to live successfully
  4. 6. An example of a parasite
  5. 9. The struggle among organisms for resources
  6. 11. An interaction in which one organism kills another
  7. 13. A close relationship between two species
  8. 14. The organism that lives on another organism
  9. 15. The organism that is killed
  10. 18. Red tail hawk and ________ is an example of commensalism