Interesting Cat Facts

  1. 3. Cats' _____ may be self-soothing behavior, since they make this noise when they're ill or distressed, as well as then they're happy
  2. 4. Cats who have more than 18 toes are referred as to being _____
  3. 8. ______ is a behavior that cats developed exclusively to communicate with people
  4. 9. Cats have up to a ______ different vocalizations- dogs only have 10
  5. 12. There are about 88_____ cats in the US, which makes them the most popular pet in the country
  6. 13. Cats use their _____ to "feel" the world around them to determine which small spaces they can fit into, they are generally about the same width as its body
  7. 14. A group of cats is called a ______.
  8. 16. Cat's have the largest ____ relative to their head size of any mammal
  9. 17. ____ Catus is the scientific name for a domesticated cat.
  10. 18. Cats can spend up to a third of their waking hours grooming
  11. 19. A pregnant cat is called a _____
  1. 1. Cats typically _____ for 12 to 16 hours a day
  2. 2. This is a sign of contentment and happiness and some people call this "making biscuits" Kittens do this when nursing to stimulate the let-down of milk
  3. 5. An intact (not neutered) cat is called a ___ cat.
  4. 6. Female cats have the ability to get pregnat when they are only _____months old
  5. 7. A group of kittens is called a _____.
  6. 10. Cats' claws all curve _________, which means they can't climb down trees head-first, they have to back down the trunk
  7. 11. Cats are believed to be the only mammals who don't taste _______
  8. 15. Despite popular belief, many cats are actually _____ intolerant