Internationalism Crossword

  1. 5. A policy of remaining apart from political affairs and interests of other countries.
  2. 11. usually a disease that is prevalent over the entire country
  3. 12. Treaty a treaty that eliminates anti-personnel landmines internationally
  4. 13. General Assembly main representative of the UN that decides matters of peace and security
  5. 14. Village to consider the world as one community through communication
  6. 16. extreme pride towards one's country
  7. 17. Cross and international organizations that provides care to those in need
  8. 19. Criminal Court an organization that prosecutes international crimes
  9. 21. an attempt to bring about peace between nations
  10. 22. cultural, economic or political relations between two countries.
  11. 23. Union a political group that establishes economic policies
  12. 25. Debt a legal doctrine that holds debt brought upon by a regime that does not serve the interests of a nation
  13. 26. Plan program in which US gave aid to Europe after WW2
  14. 28. Francophonie an international organization that represents French speaking countries
  15. 29. a global organization involved in trade relations
  1. 1. specialized agency that is involved in public health
  2. 2. to actively maintain a truce between two nations
  3. 3. Bank a financial institution that provides loans internationally
  4. 4. Woods monetary agreement that fixed exchange rates with the US dollar
  5. 6. A policy of of cooperation between countries for their common good.
  6. 7. A kind of alliance in which multiple countries reach a specific goal.
  7. 8. nation An international organization that helps with economic and political cooperation among nations.
  8. 9. Acting or making political or economic decisions without support from other countries.
  9. 10. Balkanization the process of separating a state into smaller more hostile states
  10. 15. a term for the departure of Britain from the EU
  11. 18. to play a global organization that teaches children by means of educational games
  12. 20. aid foreign aid that has to be used in the country providing the aid or in selected countries.
  13. 24. bi-national organization that handles missions of aerospace
  14. 27. Council an intergovernmental organization that works with issues in the Arctic