  1. 4. an international financial institution focused on world war 2 impacted-countries and now focusing on underdeveloped countries development
  2. 5. an international cooperation between a country with numbers of countries
  3. 7. international organization under UN concerning on development program
  4. 8. an international cooperation among the countries in specific area
  5. 9. international organization concerning on labour issues
  6. 10. an international organization focusing on global market among the ASEAN countries
  7. 12. a country sells goods and services to other countries
  1. 1. an international cooperation between two countries
  2. 2. an entity focusing on producing a good or service it is good at
  3. 3. a country buys goods and services from other countries
  4. 4. export and import activity done by a country
  5. 6. an international cooperation among the countries in two or more specific areas
  6. 11. curve that describes the possibility of maximum capacity of production on two variables