International Relations vocabulary

  1. 1. The neighboring country to America’s north that is generally considered to be a Core country
  2. 4. The world systems theory borrows critical ideas about Capitalism from this German economist
  3. 5. If an area has territory, sovereignty, a government, and a population, then it is considered a __________
  4. 7. We haven't studied ______ Theory yet, but it argues states 'do what they do' because they want to "win"
  5. 9. Examples of this include the strength of a state's army, the stability of its currency, and/or its ability to feed its citizens
  6. 10. The action a state takes under Constructivism, such as landing people on the Moon or invading another country
  7. 11. The literal translation of "Cosmopolitan" is ___________ of the World
  8. 12. This is a key element of states: they are able to govern themselves
  9. 15. a theory that argues states 'do what they do' because they are exercising their power
  10. 16. These states under World Systems Theory are the least developed, poorest countries
  1. 1. These states under World Systems Theory are the most developed, richest countries
  2. 2. Constructivism uses this term to describe all of the types of communication
  3. 3. These types of decisions under Liberalism are considered "the right thing to do"
  4. 6. This critical theory argues that states typically act to enforce historical patriarchy
  5. 8. This neighboring state of the U.S. is a semi-peripheral country according to World Systems Theory
  6. 9. Liberalism is a theory that argues states 'do what they do' because they are trying to create __________ for their people
  7. 11. A social ________ is an idea that a society has come to believe is real, such as paper money, pink is a color for baby girls, or beauty
  8. 13. Constructivism highlights ____________, which is a feeling of belonging that citizens have for their countries
  9. 14. Intersubjectivity is any mass, _________ experience among people (such as watching or attending the Super Bowl)
  10. 17. These types of decisions under Liberalism are considered logical and smart