International security

  1. 1. Application
  2. 4. number if you call someone you need it
  3. 6. you do some bad things
  4. 8. you need to buy something
  5. 10. card If you use it you will get the bill
  6. 12. electronic Product
  7. 14. White-collar criminal of sorts
  8. 15. if you search is you will get it
  9. 16. use If you use it you will become crime
  1. 2. data You should protect yourself
  2. 3. Like google
  3. 4. you don’t want everyone to know
  4. 5. someone stolen money
  5. 7. people’s sitter
  6. 9. like windows 10
  7. 11. forced entry
  8. 13. You need it to log in your account