International Wars

  1. 3. What conflict was known as "The War to End All Wars"?
  2. 5. what war lasted from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953?
  3. 8. what two countries were involved in the Kargil War?
  4. 9. who was President of the United States during the Mexican American War?
  1. 1. What country did Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi military invade on August 2, 1990?
  2. 2. which U.S. Army leader had the nickname “Old Rough and Ready”?
  3. 4. during what war did Florence Nightingale help to found modern nursing?
  4. 6. which of the following leaders played prominent roles in both World War I and World War II - Winston Churchill, Woodrow Wilson, Nikita Khrushchev, or Hideki Tojo?
  5. 7. which of the following had a nephew that served in the U.S. Navy during World War II - stalin, Hirohito, Hitler, or mussolini?