
  1. 2. a country completely separates from participating in international, social, economic, political and military affairs.
  2. 3. USA aiding European countries after WWII
  3. 5. agency under UN that targets international health
  4. 6. system that depicts monetary and exchange rate between counties.
  5. 8. provides loans to countries for capital programs
  6. 11. under UN, all counties have same power on international issues
  7. 12. several countries working together to solve problems and meet challanges
  8. 14. Part of UN that resolves legal disputes between membered nations
  9. 15. International organization that convicts individuals for international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes
  10. 19. Deals with rules of trade between the nations. Ensures it flows as smooth, predictable and freely as possible
  11. 21. common good for all counties by encouraging belief in cooperation between countries.
  12. 23. International organization that helps wounded and sick in war and tries to relieve suffering around the world
  13. 27. binational organization between Canada and USA that controls aerospace control and warning in North America
  14. 29. organization including member countries or organizations
  15. 30. international organization formed in 1945 to increase political and economic cooperation among its member countries.
  16. 31. Countries that have territory in Artic, promote cooperation, coordination and interaction between the Arctic States
  17. 33. a voluntary citizens organization, they acquire no profit and can be organized on a local, national, or international level
  18. 35. to try and maintain peace between two nations
  19. 36. a worldwide spread of a disease
  1. 1. technology linking the world as one community
  2. 4. A Intergovernmental military Alliance between US and European countries. Works to defend eachother from Communist Soviet Union takeover.
  3. 7. when two countries have an agreement to help resolve issues
  4. 9. Has factories and assets in multiple countries
  5. 10. under UN, used to respond quickly to international crisis
  6. 13. Global organization that tries to educate children in need with games.
  7. 16. A country deciding and responding to events on their own without support from any other countries
  8. 17. Treaty signed to eliminate anti-personnel landmines around the world
  9. 18. to try and create peace between two fighting nations
  10. 20. International Organization protecting French language rights
  11. 22. surveys and monitors economic and financial developments, lends funds to countries with balance-of-payment difficulties, and provides technical assistance and training for countries requesting it.:
  12. 24. contributes to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication
  13. 25. promotes social, economic and political co-ordination between the European nations
  14. 26. countries agree to abide by the decisions of an international organization, loosing some of their individual power
  15. 28. when government leaders use borrowed funds in ways that don't be support or help struggling citizens
  16. 32. United Kingdom’s separation for the European Union
  17. 34. Money a country gives to another country, but the country in need is required to spend the money given on a service or good in the donating country.