  1. 3. A policy where a country completely secludes itself from international, social, economic and political affairs.
  2. 4. An epidemic/infectious disease that has largely spread across human population.
  3. 5. An organization that promotes international financial stability and monetary cooperation.
  4. 7. A Canadian charitable organization.
  5. 11. Agreements between two countries to work towards resolving problems present in both countries.
  6. 14. A political and economical union made up of 28 member-states that are primarily located in Europe.
  7. 15. The separation of like minded people in to isolated groups that are hostile to people whose values differ from their own.
  8. 16. An intergovernmental organization that deals with international trade.
  9. 17. National organization responsible for aerospace control for North America.
  10. 18. A specialized agency of the UN that is concerned with public health.
  11. 20. Organization that is made up of mainly sovereign states.
  12. 23. Primary judicial branch of the UN
  13. 26. American initiative to aid Western Europe.
  14. 27. A policy that includes several countries working together to solve problems.
  15. 28. A policy where countries agree to follow decisions made by an international organization with appointed officials.
  1. 1. Help that is given by a country and in return, the country who received the help will agree to only buy goods and services from the country that supplied aid.
  2. 2. A corporate organization that owns/controls the production of goods or services in two or more countries.
  3. 5. An intergovernmental organization that has the jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
  4. 6. When armed forces maintain peace by keeping enemies apart until a crisis can be resolved through negotiation.
  5. 8. An international organization formed to increase political and economical cooperation between member countries.
  6. 9. An organization responisble for cooperation in education, science, culture and communication.
  7. 10. Non-profit organizations.
  8. 12. An intergovernmental forum that deals with issues based around the Arctic governments and the indigenous people in the Arctic.
  9. 13. The belief that all members of the global community have a collective responsibility for the challenges that the world faces and that all countries should search for a solution.
  10. 16. An international financial institution that provides loans to countries for capital programs.
  11. 19. An intergovernmental military alliance between several North American and European countries.
  12. 21. When armed forces use force for reasoning other than self-defence.
  13. 22. The world considered as a single community linked by telecommunications.
  14. 24. The policy of a country responding to events on their own without any other country.
  15. 25. A debt that is incurred by a despotic power.