
  1. 1. created at the Bretton Woods conference, provides long-term loans to developing countries to reduce poverty
  2. 4. a US program that gave economic aid to Europe post ww2 destruction
  3. 6. global outbreak of a disease
  4. 7. to protect own country. belief that defiance of UN or other organizations is justifiable
  5. 10. making a settlement between disputing parties
  6. 13. an NGO that provides medical aid to war-torn regions or developing countries affected by disease, epidemics, etc.
  7. 15. keeping people from attacking each other
  8. 17. global org. using sport programs (play) to educate or empower youth and children
  9. 21. is a joint organization between USA and Canada
  10. 23. international organization formed to foster political and economic co-operation among countries
  11. 24. co-operation of many countries for their common good
  12. 25. organization set up primarily by sovereign states that act in common interest
  13. 27. designed to supervise international trade
  14. 28. created World Bank and the Intl. Monetary Fund (IMF) post-World War 2
  15. 29. specialized organization of the UN that focuses on international public health
  16. 30. a developed country will provide aid to another, but mandate that the money be spent on goods in their country (or a group of selected countries)
  1. 2. aimed in prohibiting use of anti-personnel mines around the world
  2. 3. the separation of like-minded people into isolated groups who are hostile to people whose values differ from theirs
  3. 5. established for collective security; allied countries would defend each other
  4. 8. policy of several countries working together to solve foreign affairs
  5. 9. one of six organs in UN; administrates the activities of the UN
  6. 11. created at the Bretton Woods conference, provides-short term loans to member countries to stabilize exchange rates; oversees monetary system of the world
  7. 12. the main policy making sector in the UN, makes decisions about peace and security
  8. 14. countries agree to abide by the decisions of an intl. organization
  9. 16. philanthropic organization that cares for sick or wounded, provides relief caused by calamities
  10. 18. citizens with common interests
  11. 19. an international org. that represents nations that affiliate with French culture and have French as mother tongue
  12. 20. promotes co-operative interaction among Arctic states, focuses on issues such as sustainable development and environmental protection
  13. 22. incurred debt that is not in the benefit of the nation and therefore, shouldn't be enforced
  14. 26. referred to as "British exit", the prospective withdrawal of the UK from European Union