internet software crossword

  1. 3. act of requesting another person to be your friend (and connecting with you) on a social media.
  2. 4. online conversation where a person can continually read messages from others and then type and send a message reply.
  3. 5. serves as a single platform to connect all of the parts of a computer together.
  4. 7. Its a type of online fraud this type of fraud can send you to fake website
  5. 8. is a unit of measurement for computer memory/data storage used by mathematicians and computer science professionals.
  6. 10. A unit or measure of digital information, consisting of eight binary digits
  7. 11. temporary memory bank where your computer stores data
  8. 12. It's the most important part of the computer.
  9. 13. it’s a unit of frequency equal to one billion hertz.
  10. 16. Its equal to about one billion bytes
  11. 17. PHONE A mobile phone that offers advanced capabilities and features like a web connection and a portable media player.
  1. 1. is a type of technology that stores operating systems, applications, and
  2. 2. An online graphic representation of a user
  3. 4. Software that displays advertisements on your computer.
  4. 6. It's the smallest unit of data that a computer can hold and store.
  5. 9. Messages sent through an electronic computer network to specific groups or individuals
  6. 10. An industry standard for short-range wireless connections between devices like mobile phones, headsets, computers and PDAs.
  7. 14. Several networks that are connected to one
  8. 15. DISK A fixed magnetic disk drive used to store data on computes