
  1. 4. A broad term that describes any pogram that is intended to cause harm or convey information to others without the owner's permission
  2. 5. password A string of at least characters of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
  3. 6. Hardware or software that prevents other computers on the Internet from accessing a computer .
  4. 7. Steps a computer owner takes to prevent unauthorized use of or damage to a computer
  5. 10. filter A feature in internet explorer 8 that helps detect phishing websites
  6. 12. browsing Allows you to open more than one web page at a time.
  7. 15. To break into a DNS server and redirect any attempts to access a particular Web siste to a spoofed site
  8. 16. To create a Web site that looks exactly like another legitimate site on the Web but steals the information people enter
  1. 1. filtering Featured in internet explorer that helps you prevent website or third party developers from collecting information about the site you visit.
  2. 2. A descriptive word or phrase you enter to obtain a list of results that include that word or phrase
  3. 3. A software program that lets you open and display web pages.
  4. 4. software Software that detecs and removes spyware
  5. 8. An illicit activity used by hackers to trick computer users to reveal personal or financial information through an e-mail or website.
  6. 9. rus software Software that searches excutable files for the sequences of commands
  7. 11. Software that track a computer user's Internet usage and sends this data back to the company or person that created it
  8. 13. harmful program that instructs a computer to perform destructive activities, such as erasing a disk drive.
  9. 14. certificate Verifies the identity of a person or indicates the security of a website
  10. 15. Window that opens on your screen as you visit websites, generally to advertise products you may or may not want