Interventional Radiology

  1. 2. digital ________ angiography is used to visualize blood vessels
  2. 4. acronym for nothing by mouth (nil per os)
  3. 5. trocar and chiba are types of ______
  4. 6. occupational radiation safety in interventional fluoroscopy
  5. 8. a unit for measuring the diameter of catheters
  6. 9. PTT and PT lab tests measure how long it takes for blood to ____
  7. 10. before inserting catheter, a ______ is placed over the guidewire
  8. 11. do not contaminate the ______ field in IR
  1. 1. another term for ultrasound
  2. 2. a method for inserting catheters into blood vessels
  3. 3. balloon ________ can improve blood flow in obstructed blood vessels
  4. 7. pigtail is a type of __________
  5. 10. a tiny wire mesh tube that keeps an artery propped open to increase blood flow