Into The Wild Project #9 (Chapter 18 & Epilogue)

  1. 4. Chris Father´s name (p.201)
  2. 6. river in Alaska,separated McCandless and his entry back into human society. (p.188)
  3. 8. A potent alkaloid produced from mold seeds
  4. 9. wild potato only roots are edible (p.192)
  5. 11. on the move constantly, homeless (p.189)
  1. 1. wild sweet pea, result of McCandless death
  2. 2. Name of the food McCandless ate from hunting. (p.188)
  3. 3. used by Chris parents to visit the bus p203
  4. 5. Chris´s mother name (p.201)
  5. 7. Billie smelled these after discovery p.202
  6. 8. used to eat food(p.202)
  7. 10. Mt. Chris´s parents past before the bus(p.200)