Into to Criminal Justice

  1. 2. everyday cases that have to do with the relationships between people, businesses and organizations.
  2. 7. a type of law that is a result of the law that it written.
  3. 8. a diffrent type of murder; a type of murder described as "where an offender may be charged with first degree murder when criminal activity results in another person’s death".
  4. 9. a funny word that mean a written order by the court that requires someone or something to be used as a testimony or evidence.
  5. 13. the use of this word that a police officer uses to apprehend a criminal; the third issue & challenges of police work.
  6. 14. a fancy word to describe " misleading the shareholders"
  7. 20. an attorney they government offers and pays for, so if you are on trial and cannot afford private attorney, you still have someone representing you.
  8. 21. the risk officers take with infected evidence; third danger of police work.
  9. 23. the second dangers of police work.
  10. 24. the first issue & challenges of the first dangers of police work.
  11. 27. the officer that is stays in the court room to assist and protect the judge.
  12. 28. a group of 6-12 people that sit on the side of the court that decides weather you are guilty or not guilty. It is required of you as a citizen of your country.
  13. 29. records everything that occurs during a trial.
  14. 31. a type of law that is defined as "the body of rules and regulations. that define and specify the nature of and punishments for offenses committed the state or society".
  15. 32. they type of murderer to kill a bunch of people at once or a lot of people in a short amount of time.
  1. 1. the type of murder that is planned ahead; premeditated murder.
  2. 3. the person/people the criminal affected when committing the crime.
  3. 4. that act of lying and purposely giving a statement and claiming it as truth under oath.
  4. 5. an attorney who deals with criminal cases for the state or against those who have been convicted to criminal crimes.
  5. 6. a witness that acts as a character, eye, other witness that is not considered a professional.
  6. 7. the type of murder that is done on of passion and is unplanned.
  7. 10. person elected or appointed to a public office who deals in the court of law passing judgement on people brought to them.
  8. 11. where a person breaking into another's house illegally to steal their belongings.
  9. 12. the type of person to most likely to be Angles of Death and Black widows.
  10. 15. the number of types of murder there are.
  11. 16. an attorny you pay to represent you, They usually run their own firms.
  12. 17. a Part 1 Offense where a person sets an illegal fire.
  13. 18. they type of murderer to kill a lot of people over a period of time.
  14. 19. a hired or appointed licensed trial lawyer to defend the person accused of a criminal crime in court.
  15. 22. they type of murder that you do on accident when committing another crime; Ex. you are drunk driving and hit and kill someone.
  16. 25. the second issue & challenges for police work.
  17. 26. this type of policing is when an officer act on personal preference or prejudice rather than being objective and equal opportunity.
  18. 30. a type of examination refers to the questioning of a witness by someone other than the original examiner