Intraoperative Tourniquets

  1. 3. Surgical tourniquets enable the surgeons to work in a ___________ field by preventing blood flow to a limb and allow surgical procedures to be performed with improved accuracy, safety and speed.
  2. 4. _________ _________ (2) should be kept to a minimum to minimize risks to the patient. The time varies with the patient's age, physical status, and the vascular supply to the extremity.
  3. 6. There are no absolute contraindications to tourniquet application, but adequate care should be taken in the following group of patients: _______ ______ _______ _________(4), sickle cell disease, severe crush injury, diabetic neuropathic patients, patients with history of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
  4. 8. _____ ______ ______ (3) gradually increases following tourniquet application as the available surface area for heat loss decreases.
  5. 10. _______ ______ (2) is described as a poorly localized, dull, tight, aching sensation at the site of tourniquet application.
  1. 1. They are ________ (2) that occlude blood flow to the limbs to create bloodless surgical field and decrease the perioperative blood loss.
  2. 2. They have two basic designs ________ _____ _______ (3). Frequently the two types of tourniquets are used together in orthopedic and plastic surgery.
  3. 5. The tourniquet ________should be minimized in the effort to produce a bloodless surgical field.
  4. 7. The length and width of the tourniquet cuff should be _____ - considering the size and circumference of the patient's limb.
  5. 9. _______ injuries are more common in the upper limb than lower limb.