Intro Bus - 1.2 - What is Computer Hardware?

  1. 6. a connector through which information transfers in or out of the computer system one bit at a time
  2. 8. a transmission via radio waves
  3. 11. online storage offered on various Web sites
  4. 14. a standard that allows communication between devices, such as between a flash drive and a computer
  5. 18. a set of parallel interface standards used for connecting and transferring data between a computer and peripheral devices
  6. 19. wireless technology that uses radio signals over a distance up to 300 feet to connect devices to the interent
  7. 22. a connection created by using physical media
  8. 23. hardware used to store data and instructions while the computer is working
  9. 24. a plug used for connecting a device to a computer port
  10. 25. an insulated board on which microchips and other components are mounted or etched
  11. 26. a standard for connecting video devices such as monitors, televisions, and projects to a video adapter card in a computer
  12. 28. device that interprets computer program instructions and processes data; the brains of the computer
  1. 1. a digital cable standard for audio and video transmission
  2. 2. One of the earlier wireless technologies that allowed computers to exchange data. It uses infrared radiation to transmit data.
  3. 3. a networking technology used for local area networks
  4. 4. removable storage device used in mobile devices and digital cameras
  5. 5. to send data from a client computer to a server computer through a network or internet connection
  6. 7. a connector for a device that sends or receives several bits of data simultaneously by using more than one wire
  7. 9. 1000 gigabytes
  8. 10. storage that is wiped clean when power is cut off from a device
  9. 12. a hardware component installed for use with a computer system
  10. 13. a path between two or more points along which an electrical current can be carried
  11. 15. wireless technology that uses radio signals to allow communication between devices over short distances (no more than 30 feet)
  12. 16. a video display interface used to connect a video source to a display device
  13. 17. the physical parts of a computer
  14. 20. a hardware device that is separate from the computer case but can be connected to it
  15. 21. a storage device that uses laser beams to read the information stored on the reflective surface of a disck
  16. 27. a connection between a computer and a device