Intro Economics EdPuzzle

  1. 3. the study of people and choices
  2. 5. an item that lasts for fewer than 3 years when used regularly
  3. 7. something that is performed for someone
  4. 8. a purchase or investment that you have been planning for a long time
  5. 12. number of principles that guide the Economic way of thinking
  6. 14. a tangible and useful item to use to satisfy a want or need
  7. 15. one tool economists use
  8. 16. the father of modern economics
  1. 1. unlimited wants and needs and limited resources
  2. 2. amount you earn before taxes are deducted
  3. 4. a term that refers to a worth that can be expressed in dollars and cents
  4. 6. the number of the basic elements of a budget
  5. 9. amount of your paycheck after taxes are deducted/removed
  6. 10. an item that lasts for 3 or more years when used regularly
  7. 11. expenses that must be paid, but are unpredictable amounts
  8. 13. helps you keep track of your money