- 2. / Who did God call "A man after my own heart?"
- 5. / Known as The Father of Multitude
- 7. / Contributed the most books in the New Testament
- 11. / Number of Minor Prophets
- 12. / Wrote the most books in the Old Testament
- 13. / What is Ruth's son's name
- 14. / Books of Law is known as
- 15. / Only book of The Bible that does not mention "God."
- 16. / Number of Major Prophets
- 18. / Number of books in the Old Testament
- 19. / Ruth's mother in law
- 20. / Number of Plagues that fell on Egypt
- 21. / Esther's nationality
- 1. / Longest book book in The Bible
- 3. / The name that God gave Jacob
- 4. / What is Joseph's mother's name?
- 6. / What is David's wife's name
- 8. / Number of books in the New Testament
- 9. / What did God command Abraham to sacrifice?
- 10. / How many years did the Israelites wander in the wilderness?
- 11. / What was Jacob known for?
- 17. / Where did God speak to Moses through a burning bush
- 20. / Number of sections in the Old Testament
- 22. / Rebekah's husband