Intro to Bio Review

  1. 3. DNA and RNA are types of _______ material
  2. 4. living things can _____ and develop
  3. 6. Psuedoscience is _____ science
  4. 9. use of evidence to explain natural phenomena
  5. 10. Scientists do not agree whether viruses are _____ or not
  6. 11. You cannot do a lab without a safety _______
  7. 12. Your science teacher is Mrs. ________
  1. 1. Scientists have their community check their work by doing _____ review
  2. 2. uses a host cell to make more copies of itself
  3. 5. arranged in an orderly way
  4. 7. To access the ebook at home, login to ______
  5. 8. a testable explanation of a phenomena
  6. 13. the study of life