Intro to Body Systems

  1. 3. Maintenance of a stable environment inside the body.
  2. 6. This system collects information and sends it through electric messages.
  3. 8. This system influences growth and development.
  4. 10. This system moves blood through the body.
  5. 12. This system gets rid of the body's wastes.
  6. 13. The basic building block of your body.
  7. 14. This system helps the body get rid of bacteria and viruses.
  8. 15. This system offers the body protection.
  9. 16. This system helps to produce offspring.
  1. 1. This system allows movement of body parts.
  2. 2. This system breaks down food into nutrients that can be used by the body.
  3. 4. Groups of organs that work together to carry out related tasks.
  4. 5. This system supports and protects the body.
  5. 7. Group of similar cells that do a particular job.
  6. 9. Body parts made up of similar tissues that work together to carry out a similar function.
  7. 11. This system gathers oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide.