Intro to chemistry section 1-1

  1. 2. the domain dealing with things you can see
  2. 4. the domain dealing with things you can't see
  3. 7. anything has has mass and takes up space
  4. 10. the language used to represent the micro and macroscopic worlds
  5. 11. chemistry that deals with the composition of matter
  6. 13. an explanation of a set of related observations or events based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times by separate groups of researchers
  7. 14. chemistry that deals with the rate of a reaction
  8. 16. chemistry to figure out how something works
  1. 1. the chemistry that happens inside cells
  2. 3. chemistry that does not involve carbon
  3. 5. the study of matter and its interactions
  4. 6. an educated guess
  5. 8. the day of the week that is 9/15
  6. 9. chemistry that involves carbon
  7. 12. chemistry for a specific purpose
  8. 15. a statement of fact meant to describe an action or set of actions