Intro to Criminal Justice Chapter 12

  1. 3. , all law that is not criminal, including tort, contract, personal property, maritime and commercial law
  2. 4. , an offense is cleared by arrest or solved when at least one person is arrested
  3. 11. , A violation of social rules of conduct, interpreted and expressed by a written criminal code, created by people holding social and political power
  4. 12. , type of multiple killer who spreads the murderous outburst over a few days
  5. 13. , Type of multiple killer who kills over a long period of time
  6. 14. , a defense for a criminal act claiming that the criminal act was reasonable or necessary
  7. 18. , an illegal act, or failure to act when legally required
  8. 19. , a sentence entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court
  9. 20. , criminal acts directed toward a particular person or members of a group because they share a discernible racial, ethnic, religious characteristic
  10. 21. , a guilty mind
  11. 22. , a condition of probation in which the offender repays society or the victim of crime for the trouble the offender caused
  1. 1. , Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds
  2. 2. , A fine geared to the average daily income of the convicted offender in an effort to bring equity to the sentencing
  3. 5. , the absence or weakness of rules, norms, or guidelines on what is socially or morally acceptable
  4. 6. , a program requiring probationers to pay in part for the cost of their treatment
  5. 7. , the chief law enforcement officer in a county
  6. 8. , An administrative act performed by a parole authority that removes a person from parole, or a judicial order.
  7. 9. , the seizure of personal property by the state as a civil or criminal penalty
  8. 10. , in early english towns, an appointed peacekeeper who organized citizens for protecetion
  9. 12. , the emotional turmoil and conflict caused when people believe that they cannot achieve their desires and goals
  10. 15. , the law of personal injuries
  11. 16. , The process in which a probation officer settles cases at the initial appearance before the onset of formal criminal proceedings.
  12. 17. , A group of citizens chosen to hear charges against persons accused of crime and to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to bring those persons to trial